Saturday, November 20, 2010

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle ...

Block EA, Faculty of EngineeringImage via WikipediaHeisenberg Uncertainty Principle sets limits on Einstein's 'spooky action at a distance,' new research finds
Researchers have uncovered a fundamental link between the two defining properties of quantum physics. Stephanie Wehner of Singapore's Centre for Quantum Technologies and the National University of Singapore and Jonathan Oppenheim of the United Kingdom's University of Cambridge published their work today in the latest edition of the journal Science.
Wehner worked as a 'computer hacker for hire', and now works in quantum information theory, while Oppenheim is a physicist. Wehner thinks that applying techniques from computer science to the laws of theoretical physics was key to spotting the connection. "I think one of the crucial ideas is to link the question to a coding problem," Wehner says. "Traditional ways of viewing non-locality and uncertainty obscured the close connection between the two concepts."

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Today Pellagra and Iron Curtain

A nutritional supplement containing essential ...Image via Wikipedia
A population depending on untreated maize as a staple food risks malnourishment, and is more likely to develop deficiency diseases such as pellagra. Maize also is deficient in essential amino acids, which can result in kwashiorkor. Maize cooked with lime provided niacin in this diet. Beans, when consumed with the maize, provided the amino acids required to balance the diet for protein.
Adoption of the nixtamalization process did not accompany the grain to Europe and beyond, perhaps because the Europeans already had more efficient milling processes for hulling grain mechanically. Without alkaline processing, maize is a much less beneficial foodstuff, and malnutrition struck many areas where it became a dominant food crop. In the nineteenth century, pellagra epidemics were recorded in France, Italy, and Egypt, and kwashiorkor hit parts of Africa where maize had become a dietary staple.
That's example of European Iron Curtain.
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Thursday, July 08, 2010


Job analysis
Detailed examination of the (1) tasks (performanceelements) that make up a job (employee role), (2)conditions under which they are performed, and (3) what the job requires in terms of aptitudes (potential for achievement), attitudes (behavior characteristics),knowledgeskills, and the physical condition of the employee. Its objectives include (a) determination of the most efficient methods of doing a job, (benhancement of the employee's job satisfaction, (c) improvement in trainingmethods, (d) development of performance measurementsystems, and (e) matching of job-specifications with theperson-specifications in employee selection. Comprehensive job analysis begins with the study of the organization itself: its purpose, design and structureinputs and outputs, internal and external environments, and resourceconstraints. It is the first step in a thorough understanding of the job and forms the basis of job description whichleads to job specification. Also called human resource audit, job study, or occupational analysis. See also activity analysisperformance analysis, and task analysis.

1. Ethicallegal, or moral accountability, owed always or for a certain period, specially to someone who has a corresponding right to demand satisfaction of an obligation.

2. Responsibility of conductfunction, or performance that arises from an express or implied contract, or from the factof holding an office or position.

3. Alternative term for customs duty. See also duty of care and duty to act.


Duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or complete atask (assigned by someone, or created by one's ownpromise or circumstances) that one must fulfill, and which has a consequent penalty for failure.


Sum of all individual jobs comprising a contract,employmentprogram, or project. See also scope of work.

Working conditions

Terms of a contract of employment that affect or pertain toworking conditions. Also called working conditions.

All together:

Broad, general, and written statement of a specific job, based on the findings of a job analysis. It generally includesduties, purpose, responsibilitiesscope, and working conditions of a job along with the job's title, and the name or designation of the person to whom the employee reports. Job description usually forms the basis of job specification.

job description is in the HR, Recruiting, Teams, & Training subject.

job description appears in the definitions of the following terms: promote and job analysis.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Recovery Slows With Weak Job Creation in June

The components of the US money supply, express...Image via Wikipedia
 ...unable to generate enough jobs in the last two months to keep pace with population growth, much less reduce the vast numbers of unemployed Americans.
“In general the economy is downshifting, maybe to stall speed, or just above stall.”
Just as May’s jobs report appeared deceptively robust, swollen by 411,000 workers hired by the federal government to help with the Census, so the June report appears deceptively anemic, as the government shed 225,000 of those workers.
...the stock markets are caught between indigestion and serious worries.
Others, however, join Mr. Krugman in warning that stagnation could loose another wolf: deflation. “In the winter of 2009, I said the risks are for inflation, not deflation,” Mr. Kasriel noted. “In the summer of 2010, I think the risks are now tilted toward deflation. We run the risk of entering a really bad environment.”
"Deflation refers to a persistent tendency, over an extended period of time, for prices and incomes to decline. If deflation persists, businesses may shut down or reduce their production. As a result, unemployment may increase and wage rates may fall. The spiraling effect of deflation on prices and wages may create pessimism, and the economy could fall into a recession."
A growing number of economists faulted the European Central Bank for what they saw as an inflexible fixation on fighting inflation. Unlike the Federal Reserve or the central bank in Japan, the European Central Bank has taken limited steps in expanding the money supply to counteract the drying up of bank loans. The bank has remained firm in its focus on containing inflation. Jean-Claude Trichet, the bank's president, has said he considers inflation a tax on the poor. And the bank's charter obliges it to serve foremost as guardian of price stability.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Energy Mix

Up to now, most of the CCS RD&D focus has been on coal use, which is appropriate
because of its carbon intensity and its dominant role in the U.S. power sector (and
widespread use in China and India — both expanding energy consumers). The work
spans both post-combustion and pre-combustion (mainly gasification) capture.
However, to date, activity around CCS worldwide has been slow to reach the level
of demonstration needed to establish utility-scale sequestration in a timely fashion.
And as carbon emissions constraints grow tighter, natural gas combustion will also
need CCS (as indicated in Section 3 of this report).
Clearly, much of the CCS research is applicable to any fossil fuel source, especially
for post-combustion capture. For pre-combustion capture, there are technical
in starting with natural gas, since the conversion to synthesis gas is much
simpler than for solid fuels. Consequently, consideration should be given to natural
gas CCS demonstration as part of the portfolio of demonstration projects needed
to establish this important technology for a very low carbon future.

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Morning glory

Mesoamericans , including Aztek and Maya, know how to make different kinds of rubber, mixing latex from rubber tree with juice squezzed from morning glory vines in different proportions !
3000 years before Goodyear's process!

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Friday, May 07, 2010

May 7

(May 7, 1918), settlement forced upon Romania after it had been defeated by the Central Powers during World War I. According to the terms of the treaty, Romania had to return southern Dobruja to Bulgaria, give Austria-Hungary control of the passes in the Carpathian Mountains, and lease its oil wells to Germany for 90 years. The Central Powers recognized the Union of Bessarabia with Romania When the Central Powers collapsed in November, the Treaty of Bucharest was nullified.
Alexandru Marghiloman negotiated and signed the Treaty of Bucharest with the Central Powers on 7 May 1918. However, King Ferdinand I of Romania refused to sign the treaty (already ratified by the Chamber of Deputies on 28 June and by the Senate on 4 July 1918)
One century ago was an another treaty:
May 16, 1812 - 1. All the clauses and stipulations of the Treaty of Peace, concluded at Bucharest, on the 16th of May, 1812, (17th day of the TYloon of Djemazeiul-ewel, of the 1227th year of the Hegira,) are confirmed in all their force and value, by the present Convention, as if the treaty of Bucharest. was here found inserted, word for word, the eclaircisscment of which forms the object of the present Convention, being but to serve for the determination of the precise sense, and to ...

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Sunday, May 02, 2010

What is the optimal correlation between Arieseni, Alba, Romania and New York,NY, USA?

The New York Palace in Cluj-Napoca (today Cont...Image via Wikipedia
What is the optimal correlation between Arieseni, Alba, Romania and New York,NY, USA?

Silence !

or "The map is not the territory."

In the New Year Eve, at Arieseni, Alba, Romania, 1982, an well educated physician from Cluj, bring in our attention at every half hour one word: Silence ! Of course standing up on the table full of food and alcoholic beverages, including rose champagne, that's an another story, hardly yielding in order to cover some Beatles or ABA music at maximal level for that time. His hard working lesson, ended for him at 5 0'klock in the morning landing on the floor and remain there,have a strange end for me now, here in Ann Arbor, Michigan, after Obama visit, the city was incredibly quiet.

Now Don’t Hear This

The old idea of quiet zones around hospitals has found new validation in studies linking silence and healing. These are macro benefits, but often silence feels good on a purely animal level.
These problems are everywhere, but can be especially acute in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Too many people think of silence only in terms of “being silenced,” of suppressing truth. In consequence, silence itself is now often suppressed.
Another report a 50 percent drop in their general noise annoyance levels if residential buildings have a quiet side. These modest sanctuaries can provide at least a taste of silence, which is then recognized not to be silence at all, but the sounds of the larger world we inhabit: birdsong and footsteps, water, voices and wind.
Even a little bit of silence can create a sense of connection with our environment that diminishes alienation, and prompts a desire to discover more quiet.


Another people goal is to educate Americans about the science and benefits of healthful sleep, and this, plus his title — senior director of sleep innovation and clinical research — makes him seem deliberately more man-of-science than mattress-salesman. The distinction is less clear-cut when it comes to the man himself.
For years, doctors have been discouraged by Americans’ disregard for and mismanagement of their sleep. Sleep may finally be claiming its place beside diet and exercise as both a critical health issue and a niche for profitable consumer products.
“The good news is, there’s more and more awareness about the power of a good night’s sleep,” says David Perry, bedding editor of the trade magazine Furniture Today.
The bad news: “What we’re doing in America is, we’re drugging people to make it through the night on, in many cases, a lousy bed.”

Underlying public attitudes about nuclear power is, if not fear, at least lingering anxiety. This is the industry that gave American English the all-purpose term for disaster, from the financial markets to a toddler’s tantrum: meltdown. The recent deaths of 29 coal miners in West Virginia, of six construction workers at a natural  gas plant in Connecticut in February and of five maintenance workers at a hydroelectric plant in Colorado in October 2007 have not shaken the popular conception that it is nuclear power that is dangerous. This seems to be true even as the meltdown at Three Mile Island in 1979, before many Americans living today were born, fades into memory.

“The nuclear industry is just so far removed from people’s lives, they don’t have much feeling for it,” said Baruch Fischhoff, a professor of social and decision sciences at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. “They don’t really trust it. Although it hasn’t done anything recently to lose the general public’s trust, it hasn’t done anything to gain people’s trust.”

Among the elements of such calculations are whether Congress will pass legislation on carbon-dioxide emissions, which would help their project by handicapping the competition; the overall demand for power; and the price of natural gas, which is always volatile but has been especially low lately, partly because new drilling techniques have raised the amount of gas believed to be available.

... but the industry was dormant for so long that it hardly noticed that the new requirements exceeded its abilities. So Most such parts come from Japan Steel Works....For an American company to do the same would require an enormous capital investment.(Kyoto at work !)...he believed that business would continue to grow, but “at this point we’re not really sure what the winner is going to be at the end.”

“If you’re interested in investing in energy and water, you become interested in investing in agriculture,”
“Sustainable ag smells like clean tech, but it’s not so obscure that you’ve never heard of it but obscure enough there’s no competition,” said Ms. Yorio, who added that investors had approached her about bringing the Agriculture 2.0 conference to Canada, Europe and India.
...the challenge would be to build a Silicon Valley-style ecosystem around sustainable agriculture.

Instead of a stimulating cup of coffee, bracing dose of truth. “People have such very poor sense of time,”
Humans make errors. We make errors of fact and errors of judgment. We have blind spots in our field of vision and gaps in our stream of attention. Sometimes we can’t even answer the simplest questions. Where was I last week at this time? How long have I had this pain in my knee? How much money do I typically spend in a day? These weaknesses put us at a disadvantage. We make decisions with partial information. We are forced to steer by guesswork. We go with our gut.
That is, some of us do. Others use data.
Most thoughts are tagged with date, time and location. What for other people is an inchoate flow of mental life is broken up into elements and cross-referenced.
Charles Dickens was already making fun of this obsession in 1854, with his sketch of the fact-mad schoolmaster Gradgrind, who blasted his students with memorized trivia. But Dickens’s great caricature only proved the durability of the type. For another century and a half, it got worse.
If Isaac Newton weren't this kind of quantifier our culture would be quite stunted in our knowledge of physical phenomena and the rules that allow us to model and make predictions... A pity I can't make myself do this sort of thing. I recognize there is a correlation between weather, humidity, barometric pressure and the grind setting on my coffee grinder with regard to making an optimal espresso.
The trend that I see is man vs. machine and that over time we are becoming more like them; 24x7, quantitatively driven, etc. as the chip (computer brain) keeps doubling every 18 months over time this will only continue.
Isn't progress based on someone working in that area of the "known-unknown", where we know that we don't know?

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Saturday, April 24, 2010


Posted by PicasaStudy of the relationships between organisms and their environment. Physiological ecology focuses on the relationships between individual organisms and the physical and chemical features of their environment. Behavioral ecologists study the behaviours of individual organisms as they react to their environment. Population ecology is the study of processes that affect the distribution and abundance of animal and plant populations. Community ecology studies how communities of plant and animal populations function and are organized; it frequently concentrates on particular subsets of organisms such as plant communities or insect communities. Ecosystem ecology examines large-scale ecological issues, ones that often are framed in terms of measures such as biomass, energy flow, and nutrient cycling. Applied ecology applies ecological principles to the management of populations of crops and animals. Theoretical ecologists provide simulations of particular practical problems and develop models of general ecological relevance.

Water management

Ringhals nuclear power plant in fogImage by Vattenfall via Flickr
Companies increasingly are running into water-related obstacles. Last week, New York State denied a permit for Entergy’s Indian Point nuclear power plant because of its enormous consumption of cooling water.
 Environmental Protection Agency issued new water quality rules that could limit mining company operations. And in California, regulators recently pressured the utility giant FPL Group to use more water-efficient technology in a solar power plant project while denying access to water supplies to other developers.

“Unlike carbon, water use isn’t fungible,” Mr. Alexander said. “You can’t offset a water shortage in one region with credits in another region.”

Nonprofit Group Will Prod Companies to Report Their Water Use.

Most of the direct water use, is accounted for by the broad categories of power generation and agriculture. As for individual sectors, almost all use more water indirectly than directly. For example, in cane sugar refining, relatively little water is used at the mills. More than 95 percent is used indirectly, to grow the cane, generate electricity for the mills and in other parts of the supply chain.

“If you’re doing a lifecycle assessment, you want to make sure you include upstream activities that are water intensive,” Dr. Hendrickson said. “This tool should allow people to understand the implications of water use.”

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Electroreduction of Dioxygen for Fuel-Cell Applications: Materials and Challenges

Reaction coordinates for catalyzed and uncatal...Image via Wikipedia

A review of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and its use in fuel-cell applications is presented. Discussed are mechanisms of the ORR and implementations of catalysts for this reaction. Specific catalysts discussed include nanoparticles, macrocycles and pyrolysis products, carbons, chalcogenides, enzymes, and coordination complexes. A prospectus for future efforts is provided.

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Linus Pauling (American scientist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Franklin and Gosling death notice for a helica...Image via Wikipedia

Linus Pauling (American scientist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia: ""
American scientist
in full Linus Carl Pauling
born February 28, 1901, Portland, Oregon, U.S.
died August 19, 1994, Big Sur, California
American theoretical physical chemist who became the only person to have won two unshared Nobel Prizes. His first prize (1954 was awarded for research into the nature of the chemical bond and its use in elucidating molecular structure; the second (1962) recognized his efforts to ban the testing of nuclear weapons.
... structural knowledge assisted him in developing an electronegativity scale in which he assigned a number representing a particular atom’s power of attracting electrons in a covalent bond.

On one of his trips to visit Mirsky in New York, Pauling met Karl Landsteiner, the discoverer of blood types, who became his guide into the field of immunochemistry. Pauling was fascinated by the specificity of antibody-antigen reactions, and he later developed a theory that accounted for this specificity through a unique folding of the antibody’s polypeptide chain. World War II interrupted this theoretical work, and Pauling’s focus shifted to more practical problems, including the preparation of an artificial substitute for blood serum useful to wounded soldiers and an oxygen detector useful in submarines and airplanes. J. Robert Oppenheimer asked Pauling to head the chemistry section of the Manhattan Project, but his suffering from glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomerular region of the kidney) prevented him from accepting this offer. For his outstanding services during the war, Pauling was later awarded the Presidential Medal for Merit.
While serving as a visiting professor at the University of Oxford in 1948, Pauling returned to a problem that had intrigued him in the late 1930s—the three-dimensional structure of proteins. By folding a paper on which he had drawn a chain of linked amino acids, he discovered a cylindrical coil-like configuration, later called the alpha helix. The most significant aspect of Pauling’s structure was its determination of the number of amino acids per turn of the helix. During this same period he became interested in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and early in 1953 he and protein crystallographer Robert Corey published their version of DNA’s structure, three strands twisted around each other in ropelike fashion. Shortly thereafter James Watson and Francis Crick published DNA’s correct structure, a double helix. Pauling’s efforts to modify his postulated structure had been hampered by poor X-ray photographs of DNA and by his lack of understanding of this molecule’s wet and dry forms. In 1952 he failed to visit Rosalind Franklin, working in Maurice Wilkins’s laboratory at King’s College, London, and consequently did not see her X-ray pictures of DNA. Frankin’s pictures proved to be the linchpin in allowing Watson and Crick to elucidate the actual structure. Nevertheless, Pauling was awarded the 1954 Nobel Prize for Chemistry “for his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the elucidation of the structure of complex substances.”
While at San Diego and Stanford, Pauling’s scientific interests centred on a particular molecule—ascorbic acid (vitamin C). He examined the published reports about this vitamin and concluded that, when taken in large enough quantities (megadoses), it would help the body fight off colds and other diseases. The outcome of his research was the book Vitamin C and the Common Cold (1970), which became a best-seller. Pauling’s interest in vitamin C in particular and orthomolecular medicine in general led, in 1973, to his founding an institute that eventually bore his name—the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine. During his tenure at this institute, he became embroiled in controversies about the relative benefits and risks of ingesting megadoses of various vitamins. The controversy intensified when he advocated vitamin C’s usefulness in the treatment of cancer. Pauling and his collaborator, the Scottish physician Ewan Cameron, published their views in Cancer and Vitamin C (1979). Their ideas were subjected to experimental animal studies funded by the institute. While these studies supported their ideas, investigations at the Mayo Clinic involving human cancer patients did not corroborate Pauling’s results.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Social Media Optimization: Emergence Media’s 5 Themes of SMO � Emergence Media

friendfeed/facebook eventually pwned by google...Image by Josh Russell via Flickr

Social Media Optimization: Emergence Media’s 5 Themes of SMO � Emergence Media

Review after few years !
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Don't nag.
Don't try to make your partner over.
Don't criticize.
Give honest appreciation.
Pay little attentions.
Be courteous.
Listen carefully to what your partner says and make him/her feel important about what he/she says
...The last two sections were included in the original 1936 edition but omitted from the revised 1981 edition...
Now we have:
Twitter (text messages)
Facebook (Messages)
Google Buzz (Conversation)
and a social circle It is up to you, management of your social circle, add new friends or disconnect em.

Now, optmimum social behaviour is on the web. FriendFeed aims to be a one stop shop for all your social networking updates and news items.
For music is Pandora.
Profesional social circle is on LinkedIn.
Google profile have all your public on private data so search engines will appear able to understand your personal needs.
If you will generate web content, new, yours and will cooperate inside or outside of yours social circle optimum is there. Something like mobile or celular telefon!

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