Friday, September 18, 2009

Paint, Architecture and Cinema

A portrait of the German architect Walter Grop...
A portrait of the German architect Walter Gropius, founder of the Bauhaus school of architecture. The photo is taken by Louis Held c. 1919, probably in Waimar, just after foundation of Bauhaus. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Art Review


The Angel in the Architecture


Published: September 18, 2009

A sleek Kandinsky retrospective at the Guggenheim Museum offers an unencumbered view of his painting career.
In all, this show is the perfect cap to the Guggenheim’s yearlong birthday celebration of Wright’s building, which opened 50 years ago on Oct. 21.

... anonymous shots of things you look at every day but don’t see, used as transitions in movies.

... a clique to represent a widespread phenomenon, sometimes collected under the scary chapter heading “relational aesthetics.”

he was teaching at the Bauhaus ...American art schools have also rediscovered the Bauhaus school. The Master Craftsman Program at Florida State University bases its artistic philosophy on Bauhaus theory and practice.

Titanium is covering Museum, and is imported from USSR. Or Russia ?

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Recovery Picks Up in China as U.S. Economy Remains Ailing

"“So often China and the U.S. are mixed together as being in the same situation, and that is totally wrong,” said Xu Xiaonian, an economist in Beijing with the China Europe International Business School.

That does not mean the two nations are not connected, of course. China’s rebound in growth may slow if the American economy does not pick up. China needs the United States to buy its goods, and the United States needs China to continue to buy its debt.

This mutual dependence makes it harder for either country to let the current dispute over Chinese tires and American chicken and auto parts to grow into a trade war.

But with more economic planning than the United States, China has been able to disburse its stimulus much faster, turning it into new rail lines and highways."
For the first time economic planning from communist countries is positive !
Current crisis appear for me as a price for China development.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Second Honeymoon

English: Pony Express Postmark: The first east...
English: Pony Express Postmark: The first eastbound Pony Express trip left San Francisco on April 3, 1860 and arrived ten days later in St. Joseph, Missouri. From St. Joseph, letters were placed in the U.S. mails for delivery to eastern destinations. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Starting a continental trip from Philadelphia, Pa to San Francisco, Ca। Bobby is with me। My Volvo have problems, Volvo send wrong parts and have problems, FedEx Air have some problems. For the last decades I do not have time for Bobby and now, stuck in Elko I have.

Lets see something special:
Ounce upon the time Mr. Ford have created a replacement for Pony Express:

Useful for working class, cheap using mass production rules. That's Detroit opinion...
Chicago have an another
And my generation, Hippie, Make Love Not War another:

Tire tariffs provoke China threat to U.S. auto parts, chicken ...
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