Monday, September 01, 2014

Review: The Birth of Chemistry

The Birth of Chemistry
The Birth of Chemistry by Rodwell, George F.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

About the style of book,modern history cannot divine the past as prophets divined the future, obscure language of divination is the language of poetry. Taine's distinction between the important and the unimportant and his call for the elimination of confusion is from rhetoric. The pact between rhetoric and history is Machiavellian, and infinite for both, caught between the words and reality.{Lombardo 1990} Taine rejection of rationalism was a crucial first step in the elaboration of new forms of liberalism.

Many of the useful arts depend on chemical processes, in the sense in which we use the word "chemical" now. Metallurgy, dyeing, the manufacture of porcelain and glass, were all known in the early ages of the world, and are all chemistry in practice.

We find the name of Chemistry applied to the art of making gold and silver in the fifth century, in the earliest work known in which the word occurs. This work, entitled, A Faithful Description of the Sacred and Divine Art of making Gold and Silvery by Zosimos, the Panapolite, carries back the art to a far distant period, for it attributes it to the sons of God mentioned in the 6th chapter of Genesis, who, it states, were angels allured from heaven by the charms of women, to whom they imparted the secret of making precious metals. Suidas, in his Lexicon, written in the eleventh century, says, under the word chemia " The preparation of silver and gold.

The books on it were sought after by Diocletian, and burnt, on account of the new attempts made by the Egyptians against him.
It is, however, doubtful whether Alchemy can claim such high antiquity as this; for the silence of Latin authors, especially Pliny, on the subject, would lead us to believe that it took its rise among the Greeks at a later date. The earliest works on the subject are Greek, and a long list, comprising eighty works, is given in Boerhaave's Chemistry, 1753.

"Chemical technology is purely Byzantine and Hellenic, but it was altogether divorced from theory, and the "Turba" is never quoted by any writer in the first century and a half of alchemical literature. But though Greek thought had no direct action on Latin writers, it was the ultimate source of Arabic alchemy as regards the theory of metals, the elixir of life being apparently of Chinese origin. No doubt a few Byzantine adepts found their way into the west? Roger Bacon mentions a Greek he had known, and there is the still earlier case of the Jew of Bremen. The story of translation from the Arabic begins with Robert of Chester in 1144, Plato of Tivoli and Hugo Sanctallensis, and goes on to Gerard of Cremona, who before his death in 1187 translated three classics of alchemy? two of them only printed in our own time, by Berthelot and the writer. A number of treatises were translated before the middle of the thirteenth century, as shown by the quotations from them in the "Speculum Naturale" of Vincent of Beauvais (1245), the alchemical writings of Roger Bacon ending 1267, and the writings of Albertus Magnus on minerals and the "Speculum Astronomicum". St. Thomas also accepts the scientific possibility of alchemy"

Raymond Lulli aka Ramon Lull "Doctor Illuminatus", apparently have second hand manuscripts after unknown manuscripts.

Chaptr IX give us an abstract with images from {Giano Lacinio et al. 1894} and in X is born. Paracelsus split Iatrochemy from his own metaphysical world, and at XI {Boerhaave Herman 1727} give inorganic and organic chemistry. {B H 1 1753}, {B H 2 1753}

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Review: The Leiden and Stockholm Papyri

The Leiden and Stockholm Papyri
The Leiden and Stockholm Papyri by Earle Radcliffe Caley

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Clean and professional job. From a chemist point of view.

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Monday, July 28, 2014

Review: The History of Chemistry Vol. 2

The History of Chemistry Vol. 2
The History of Chemistry Vol. 2 by Thomas Thomson

My rating: 0 of 5 stars

Paracelsus legacy. Chemists know how to prepare drugs, physicians know to prescribe drugs and pharmacists know to sel. From this point we have now an pinpoint image of the development status of main powers in Europe.

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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Review: Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality

Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality
Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality by World Health Organization

My rating: 0 of 5 stars

"The UN General Assembly declared the period from 2005 to 2015 as the International Decade for Action,
“Water for Life”.
Most recently, the UN General Assembly declared safe and clean
drinking-water and sanitation a human right essential to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights. Access to safe drinking-water is important as a health and development issue at national, regional and local levels. In some regions, it has been shown that investments in water supply and sanitation can yield a net economic benefit, as the reductions in adverse health effects and health-care costs outweigh the costs of undertaking the interventions. This is true for investments ranging from major water supply infrastructure through to water treatment in the home. Experience has also shown that interventions in improving access to safe water favour the poor in particular, whether in rural or urban areas, and can be an effective part of poverty alleviation strategies.
The World Health Organization (WHO) published three editions of the Guidelines
for drinking-water quality in 1983–1984, 1993–1997 and 2004, as successors to
previous WHO International standards for drinking water, published in 1958, 1963 and 1971. From 1995, the Guidelines have been kept up to date through a process of rolling revision, which leads to the regular publication of addenda that may add to or supersede information in previous volumes as well as expert reviews on key issues preparatory to the development of the Guidelines.
Leading the process of the development of the fourth edition was the Water, Sanitation..." (XV)
An old tradition here is telling us "some springs make girls beautiful". Enjoy!

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Review: Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality

Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality
Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality by World Health Organization

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

History of guideline development
The 1958, 1963 and 1971 WHO International Standards for Drinking-water and the first edition of the Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, published in 1984, did not refer to chlorine. The 1993 Guidelines established a guideline value of 5mg/liter for free chlorine in drinking-water, but noted that this value is conservative, as no adverse effect level was identified in the study used. It was also noted that most individuals are able to taste chlorine at the guideline value.(pg. 326)
Well, chlorine save more lives than all other drugs discovered after aspirin. Until now, so we have to do more work.
Great and continuous job here.
Think a moment: access at potable water is a fundamental human right.

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