Thursday, July 08, 2010


Job analysis
Detailed examination of the (1) tasks (performanceelements) that make up a job (employee role), (2)conditions under which they are performed, and (3) what the job requires in terms of aptitudes (potential for achievement), attitudes (behavior characteristics),knowledgeskills, and the physical condition of the employee. Its objectives include (a) determination of the most efficient methods of doing a job, (benhancement of the employee's job satisfaction, (c) improvement in trainingmethods, (d) development of performance measurementsystems, and (e) matching of job-specifications with theperson-specifications in employee selection. Comprehensive job analysis begins with the study of the organization itself: its purpose, design and structureinputs and outputs, internal and external environments, and resourceconstraints. It is the first step in a thorough understanding of the job and forms the basis of job description whichleads to job specification. Also called human resource audit, job study, or occupational analysis. See also activity analysisperformance analysis, and task analysis.

1. Ethicallegal, or moral accountability, owed always or for a certain period, specially to someone who has a corresponding right to demand satisfaction of an obligation.

2. Responsibility of conductfunction, or performance that arises from an express or implied contract, or from the factof holding an office or position.

3. Alternative term for customs duty. See also duty of care and duty to act.


Duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or complete atask (assigned by someone, or created by one's ownpromise or circumstances) that one must fulfill, and which has a consequent penalty for failure.


Sum of all individual jobs comprising a contract,employmentprogram, or project. See also scope of work.

Working conditions

Terms of a contract of employment that affect or pertain toworking conditions. Also called working conditions.

All together:

Broad, general, and written statement of a specific job, based on the findings of a job analysis. It generally includesduties, purpose, responsibilitiesscope, and working conditions of a job along with the job's title, and the name or designation of the person to whom the employee reports. Job description usually forms the basis of job specification.

job description is in the HR, Recruiting, Teams, & Training subject.

job description appears in the definitions of the following terms: promote and job analysis.

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