Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Review: Elements of Agricultural Chemistry

Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry by Thomas Anderson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

World Cat:
The major object of this work is to expose the main principles and fundamentals of agricultural chemistry which will be useful for an ordinary farmer. The book avoids unnecessary technicalities and it is kept as simple as possible for the general reader.
For me: perfect receipt book for organic food. Agri­cul­tural in­quiries are li­able to pe­cu­liar fal­lac­ies due to the per­turb­ing in­flu­ence of cli­mate, sea­son, and many other causes, the in­di­vid­ual ef­fects of which can only be elim­i­nated with dif­fi­culty, and much error has been in­tro­duced, by hastily generalizing from sin­gle ex­per­i­ments, in place of await­ing the re­sults of re­peated tri­als. Hence it is that the progress of sci­en­tific agri­cul­ture must nec­es­sar­ily be slow and grad­ual, and is not likely to be marked by any great or star­tling dis­cov­er­ies. Now that the re­la­tions of sci­ence to prac­tice are bet­ter un­der­stood, the ex­trav­a­gant ex­pec­ta­tions at one time en­ter­tained have been aban­doned, and, as a nec­es­sary con­se­quence, the in­ter­est in agri­cul­tural chem­istry has again in­creased, and the con­vic­tion daily gains ground that no one who wishes to farm with suc­cess, can af­ford to be with­out some knowl­edge of the sci­en­tific prin­ci­ples of his art.

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