Elements of Agricultural Chemistry by Thomas Anderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
World Cat:
The major object of this work is to expose the main principles and fundamentals of agricultural chemistry which will be useful for an ordinary farmer. The book avoids unnecessary technicalities and it is kept as simple as possible for the general reader.
For me: perfect receipt book for organic food. Agricultural inquiries are liable to peculiar fallacies due to the perturbing influence of climate, season, and many other causes, the individual effects of which can only be eliminated with difficulty, and much error has been introduced, by hastily generalizing from single experiments, in place of awaiting the results of repeated trials. Hence it is that the progress of scientific agriculture must necessarily be slow and gradual, and is not likely to be marked by any great or startling discoveries. Now that the relations of science to practice are better understood, the extravagant expectations at one time entertained have been abandoned, and, as a necessary consequence, the interest in agricultural chemistry has again increased, and the conviction daily gains ground that no one who wishes to farm with success, can afford to be without some knowledge of the scientific principles of his art.
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